JEFFERSON COUNTY, Pa. — Western PA Cares for Kids is the only child advocacy center in our northern coverage area.
The center started as a vision of Jefferson County District Attorney, Jeffrey Burkett….Read the rest of the article here
WJAC Article and Video on Our Expansion Project
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month please join us by
Children deserve to be cherished and they thrive when adults care. They depend on adults for their safety. Unfortunately many children are abused by those adults in their lives who they should be able to trust. More than 90% of children are abused by someone they know, including family members or friends.
Most children never report being abused. They are often threatened or pressured to stay silent. We ask you as adults to be watchful for signs of abuse and always take it seriously when children speak of being abused. Report suspected child abuse to the police, or your child protective service agency. Children are our future and protecting them is everyone’s job. Every child matters.
There’s No Excuse For Child Abuse
CARES Becomes an Associate/Developing Member of National Children’s Alliance
From our acceptance letter:
National Children’s Alliance is a professional membership organization dedicated to helping local communities respond to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient – and put the needs of child victims first. National Children’s Alliance provides training, support, technical assistance and leadership on a national level to local children’s and child advocacy centers and communities responding to reports of child abuse and neglect.
CARES Recieves President’s Cup Award
On April 11, 2012, The Brookville Area Chamber of Commerce presented the President’s Cup Award to Western PA CARES for Kids!
Pictured on the right is BACC President, Randy Bartley presenting the award to CARES Executive Director, Pat Berger and CARES President, Jefferson County District Attorney Jeff Burkett.
Since 1972, the President’s Cup is awarded yearly to a local organization “in recognition of substantial and meaningful contributions to the community”.
Western PA CARES for Kids also recieved citations from PA State Representative Sam Smith, U.S. Representative Glen ‘GT’ Thompson and U.S. Senator Joe Scarnati.
Friends of Western PA CARES for Kids Joins the Combined Federal Campaign
Friends of Western PA CARES for Kids is proud to announce that we have been selected to be a part of the 2012 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The U.S. government-sponsored CFC is the world’s largest and most prestigious workplace fundraising drive. The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy by providing federal employees with an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Each fall, Federal employees are invited to support eligible national and local charities. Employees choose the groups they wish to support from a list of approved charities that have met the U.S. federal government’s high standards of program impact and financial accountability. The 2012 CFC official campaign season runs from October 1st through December 1st.
Through the CFC, federal employees have raised over $7 billion since 1961 to help sustain community, state, national and international health, educational, environmental and human services.
Many of you ask how you can help support Friends of Western PA CARES for Kids’ mission, and this is an easy way to make a big difference! If you are employed by the Federal government, please consider giving to Friends of Western PA CARES for Kids through the CFC.
If you have friends or relatives who are Federal civilian, military or postal employees, please encourage them to choose Friends of Western PA CARES for Kids. It’s simple; just select Friends of Western PA CARES for Kids / CFC #47294 for the CFC contribution.
Thank you!
PA State Employees Can Donate to CARES Through the 2012 PA SECA Campaign
We are now listed under Independent Charities of America’s umbrella and listed as Friends of Western PA CARES for Kids. Our number is 8000-0231.
The State Employee Combined Appeal (SECA) is the commonwealth’s annual combined charitable giving campaign for employees.
During the months of September through November, employees may donate to any of hundreds of participating non-profit charities.
Find out more about the SECA campaign.
2012 Duathlon, 5K and Community Walk
The weather had been extremely hot before race day but we were pleasantly surprised with an overcast day and a good day for racing. There were 119 pre-registered participants and approximately 40 more registered on the day of race. Participants ranged in ages from 3 years old to 60 years old. Yes I said 3 years old. It was his first event. His mom ran the first 3.1 miles, his dad biked the 12 miles and then mom ran beside him as he ran the 2 miles of the last leg of the duathlon. The duathlon began at 9:00 and the 5K at 10:00. An awards ceremony followed the competition with plaques and prizes for top winners. All children 15 years old and under received ribbons and medals for their participation in the day’s events.
Participants who brought donations to help Western PA CARES for Kids Child Advocacy Center, a nonprofit agency working to stop child abuse one child at a time, were eligible for prizes provided by our generous corporate and gold sponsors. Those who brought $75.00 or more were eligible for grand prizes and those with less than $75.00 were eligible for door prizes. Many participants worked hard to bring in large donations. Our top donation was $2,855.00 brought in by Julie Wolfe and the next largest amount was $960.00 brought in by Jill Stephens. We are extremely grateful to all of our participants, volunteers, gold sponsors and corporate sponsors for a very successful event. Finish times are available at
Thank you all for making our event a tremendous success. Over $20,000.00 was raised to help us continue to lessen the trauma children who are abused experience through a coordinated child friendly approach.
Mark your calendars for next year. Our race event is the third Saturday in July at station 2 at Cook Forest State Park.
Hope to see you all next year!
Pat Berger
Executive Director/Forensic Interviewer
5k Results
Duathlon Individual Results
Duathlon Team Results
2012 Super Special Sponsors
First Baptist Church DuBois
Forsyth Drilling Inc.
Jeffrey D. Burkett
John Prushnok
Macbeth’s Cabins
Sarvey Insurance
Shiloh Resort
William & Debbie Bailey
2012 Corporate Sponsors
Attorney Bob Hanak
Bernard Snyder Funeral Home
Brenda Schumaker Funeral Home
Campbell & Burns
C.E. Nelson Building & Remodeling
Center Hill Community Church
Craig & Stasia Coon
Doug & Missi Hess
Dr. Rice & Dr. Hewit
Ed Nelson Realty
Ferraro, Kruk & Ferraro
Finders Keepers
First Commonwealth Bank
G&C Coal Analysis Laboratory Inc.
Handyside Solar
Jarco Distributing Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Brookville
Matson Insurance Company
Primary Care Associates
Ron Berger
Rosebud Mining
S&T Bank Brookville
Seneca Resources
Store All
The Forest Nook
The Taylor Law Firm
Tuning Accounting
Whiteman Transportation
William & Carol Hawthorne
Williams Sanitation
Zion Baptist Church
Hammer Nutrition
Road ID

2012 “Care”ing Sponsors
The Altoona Curve
Brookville Sheetz
Casey Bowers
Christian Book & Gift Store
Cook Forest Fun Park
CNB Bank
C.S.A. & Company
Culligan Water
Defelice Lumber
DelGrosso’s Amusement Park
Eric Shuey
Farmers Inn
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 4454
Holmes Safety Association
Marienville State Police
Marion Center Bank
Mike’s Super Market
Paul Beatty Jewelers
Pittsburgh Pirates
Pittsburgh Steelers
Plylers Restaurant
Punxsutawney React
Punxsutawney Wal-Mart
Rich Martin
Rick and Cheryl Rowles
Roseville Independent Chapel
Sue Gomola
The Fraternal Order of Eagle #983 Auxiliary
The Pale Whale
United Electric
Wampum Hardware Co.
CARES receives Leadership Conference Scholarship
Western PA CARES for Kids Child Advocacy Center was one of two Child Advocacy Centers in Pennsylvania to receive a $1,000.00 scholarship from the National Childrens’ Alliance to attend the 2012 Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. There are 750 child advocacy centers across the nation and we were honored to receive this scholarship and training opportunity.
2011 Brookville Y & CARES for Kids Duathlon and 5K and Community Walk
It was a terrific day! The weather was fantastic and the competitors began arriving about 8:30. One hundred and eight people participated in our annual 5k, Duathlon, and Community Walk. Seventy nine people choose to pre-register for our event through the Brookville YMCA and using our registration form and waiver provided on this website. The duathlon began at 10:00 and the 5k and community walk began at 11:00. An awards ceremony followed the competition with plaques and prizes such as Red Lobster gift certificates, Road Id certificates and Forest Nook Pizza coupons going to first – third places in the Duathlon and 5k for female, male and teams. All children ages 15 and under received a medal for their efforts in the day’s events. Children who participated in the community walk received participation ribbons and certificates for ice cream cones.
Many of our Corporate Sponsors donated funds or prizes used for Grand prize and door prize drawings. In order to be eligible for one of these drawings, participants brought donations to the race. Those who brought donations of more than $50.00 were eligible for the grant prize drawings. We had two individuals that went over and above in collecting donations. Our top donation was $1,000.00 collected by Carol Ponce a criminal investigator for the PA State Police. The next largest donation came from Jill Stephens with a donation of $500.00. We are very grateful for the support of all of our participants, volunteers and sponsors. Photos of the participants are available at Finish times are available at
Everyone also enjoyed the free lunch that followed the day’s event. We look forward to next year’s event. It will be held the third Saturday in July and will be the same course, meeting at shelter 2 Cook Forest State Park.
Thank you all for making our event a tremendous success. Nearly, $11,000.00 was raised to help us continue to lessen the trauma children who are abused experience through a child friendly approach.
Hope to see you next year!
Pat Berger
Executive Director/Forensic Interviewer
2011 Corporate Sponsors
Brenda Shumaker Funeral Home
Brownlee Lumber
Center Hill Community Church
Cornerstone Physical Therapy
Fraternal Order of Eagles 983 – Brookville
Gateway Lodge
Grace Lutheran Church
Handyside Solar
Italian Oven
Jarco Distributing, Inc.
Jeffrey Burkett, Jefferson Co. District Attorney
Jefferson Wholesale Grocery
Kiwanis Club of Brookville
MacBeth’s Cabins Inc.
Plylers At Your Service
Primary Care Associates of Western PA
Rosebud Mining Co.
Ron Berger
Sarvey Notary Services
S&T Bank
Store All
The Forest Nook
Tuning Accounting
Williams Sanitation
Zion of Jefferson County
Hammer Nutrition
Road ID

2011 Sponsors
The Altoona Curve
Brookville Sheetz
Christian Book & Gift Store
CNB Bank
Charles & Germaine McGranor
Cook Forest Fun Park
Cook Riverside Cabins
Cooksburg Café
Defelice Lumber
DelGrosso’s Amusement Park
Dr. Chapa
Double Diamond Deer Ranch
Farmer’s Bank of Brookville
Farmers Inn
H. Truman’s Store
Idlewild and SoakZone
Laurel Eye Clinic
Mike’s Bi Lo in Reynoldsville
Mike’s Super Market
Paul Beatty Jewelers
Pittsburgh Pirates
Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
Plylers Restaurant
Punxsutawney React
Quiet Creek Herb Farm
Rick Rowles
Robin Miller
Scott Kane Design
State College Spikes
The Pale Whale
Tionesta State Police
Trails End Restaurant
United Electric Co.
Punxsutawney Wal-Mart
Yates Excavating