It was a terrific day! The weather was fantastic and the competitors began arriving about 8:30. One hundred and eight people participated in our annual 5k, Duathlon, and Community Walk. Seventy nine people choose to pre-register for our event through the Brookville YMCA and using our registration form and waiver provided on this website. The duathlon began at 10:00 and the 5k and community walk began at 11:00. An awards ceremony followed the competition with plaques and prizes such as Red Lobster gift certificates, Road Id certificates and Forest Nook Pizza coupons going to first – third places in the Duathlon and 5k for female, male and teams. All children ages 15 and under received a medal for their efforts in the day’s events. Children who participated in the community walk received participation ribbons and certificates for ice cream cones.
Many of our Corporate Sponsors donated funds or prizes used for Grand prize and door prize drawings. In order to be eligible for one of these drawings, participants brought donations to the race. Those who brought donations of more than $50.00 were eligible for the grand prize drawings. We had two individuals that went over and above in collecting donations. Our top donation was $1,000.00 collected by Carol Ponce a criminal investigator for the PA State Police. The next largest donation came from Jill Stephens with a donation of $500.00. We are very grateful for the support of all of our participants, volunteers and sponsors. Photos of the participants are available at Finish times are available at
Everyone also enjoyed the free lunch that followed the day’s event. We look forward to next year’s event. It will be held the third Saturday in July and will be the same course, meeting at shelter 2 Cook Forest State Park.
Thank you all for making our event a tremendous success. Nearly, $11,000.00 was raised to help us continue to lessen the trauma children who are abused experience through a child friendly approach.
Hope to see you next year!
Pat Berger
Executive Director/Forensic Interviewer
5k Results
Duathlon Individual Results
Duathlon Team Results
2011 Corporate Sponsors
Brenda Shumaker Funeral Home
Brownlee Lumber
Center Hill Community Church
Cornerstone Physical Therapy
Fraternal Order of Eagles 983 – Brookville
Gateway Lodge
Grace Lutheran Church
Handyside Solar
Italian Oven
Jarco Distributing, Inc.
Jeffrey Burkett, Jefferson Co. District Attorney
Jefferson Wholesale Grocery
Kiwanis Club of Brookville
MacBeth’s Cabins Inc.
Plylers At Your Service
Primary Care Associates of Western PA
Rosebud Mining Co.
Ron Berger
Sarvey Notary Services
S&T Bank
Store All
The Forest Nook
Tuning Accounting
Williams Sanitation
Zion of Jefferson County
Hammer Nutrition
Road ID

2011 Sponsors
The Altoona Curve
Brookville Sheetz
Christian Book & Gift Store
CNB Bank
Charles & Germaine McGranor
Cook Forest Fun Park
Cook Riverside Cabins
Cooksburg Café
Defelice Lumber
DelGrosso’s Amusement Park
Dr. Chapa
Double Diamond Deer Ranch
Farmer’s Bank of Brookville
Farmers Inn
H. Truman’s Store
Idlewild and SoakZone
Laurel Eye Clinic
Mike’s Bi Lo in Reynoldsville
Mike’s Super Market
Paul Beatty Jewelers
Pittsburgh Pirates
Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
Plylers Restaurant
Punxsutawney React
Quiet Creek Herb Farm
Rick Rowles
Robin Miller
Scott Kane Design
State College Spikes
The Pale Whale
Tionesta State Police
Trails End Restaurant
United Electric Co.
Punxsutawney Wal-Mart
Yates Excavating